How to Manage Your Strategies
'Stratejilerim' sekmesinden stratejilerinizi yönetme: Burada takipçi istatistiklerini, işlemleri, ticaret geçmişini gözden geçirebilir ve strateji ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz.
Last updated
'Stratejilerim' sekmesinden stratejilerinizi yönetme: Burada takipçi istatistiklerini, işlemleri, ticaret geçmişini gözden geçirebilir ve strateji ayarlarını yapılandırabilirsiniz.
Last updated
To learn how to create a Strategy, gain followers and begin Trading, make sure to check out our short beginner’s guide for fol: Quickstart (Traders): How to create a Strategy
All of a trader’s active Strategies are reflected in My Strategies.
Additionally, the Strategies Transaction History section can be found here. It contains detailed information about all transactions related to your Strategies, including your deposits/withdrawals and Rewards:
Click on a Strategy to bring up the main page of the Strategy. Here traders can adjust their Strategy parameters and Strategy Settings, review position history, Follower details etc.
To begin trading with your Strategy, navigate to the Trade page, and click the dropdown menu button to open the Strategy selection window. Next, click your desired Strategy to begin trading:
To learn more about trading on Margex, make sure to check out our help center articles about leverage trading on Margex.