Market Maker Obligations
Benzersiz sipariş gerçekleştirme indirimleri almak için MM'lerin bir dizi koşulu yerine getirmesi ve sürdürmesi gerekmektedir: 1. Minimum spread 2. Hacim 3. İlk 3 band içinde artan hacim.
To receive unique order-execution discounts, Market Makers are required to fulfill and maintain the following conditions:
Maintain a minimum spread for the agreed time within the Margex trading system
Maintain volume equal to or above the minimum, on each band in the Order book
Maintain an increased volume within the first 3 bands (price levels)
Please note that in the event that at least one of the above conditions is violated or not maintained, Margex reserves the right to terminate a contract without paying a discount or fulfilling other trading promotion conditions.
Last updated