Follower's Portfolio
모든 활성 팔로잉은 포트폴리오 메뉴에서 관리할 수 있습니다. 여기서 자금을 추가 또는 인출하고 팔로우 통계를 검토하며 팔로우한 전략과 포트폴리오 성과를 추적할 수 있습니다.
Last updated
모든 활성 팔로잉은 포트폴리오 메뉴에서 관리할 수 있습니다. 여기서 자금을 추가 또는 인출하고 팔로우 통계를 검토하며 팔로우한 전략과 포트폴리오 성과를 추적할 수 있습니다.
Last updated
To learn how to start Following a Strategy, make sure to check out our short beginner’s guide for followers: Quickstart: How to Follow a Strategy.
All of a Follower’s active Followings are reflected in their Copytrading Portfolio:
Here followers can manage all of their active Followings and Followings' statistics:
Add funds or Withdraw funds to/from their active Followings (see strategy rollovers for additional details regarding withdrawal and deposit of funds from active Followings):
All requests for the deposit/withdrawal of funds from an active Following are processed during the corresponding Strategy’s nearest Rollover.
Review the current status of active Followings and the corresponding Strategy’s statistics (such as strategy equity, ROE, profitability charts, etc):
Clicking on a Following will open the corresponding Strategy’s statistics page, where Followers can find full details of the Strategy, including a breakdown of equity, ROE%, profitability charts, trading history, Follower statistics, etc.:
Transaction History - reflects all transactions related to your Followings' portfolio. This includes completed and pending withdrawal/deposits to/from Strategies, Profit Share (rewards) allocated to a Strategy’s Trader, etc: