3️⃣Staking Pool Limits
Staked coins are allocated to various DeFi and CeFi projects including cross-chain arbitrage, collateralized loans, etc. Hovering over a pool limit indicator shows remaining liquidity for new stakes.
Our AI algorithms allocate staked coins to different DeFi and CeFi projects including providing liquidity to the Margex orderbook, cross-chain arbitrage, collateralized loans and liquidity farming. We have around 50 active strategies that allow us to offer one of the highest yields on the market, while still maintaining proper risk management, without any lock-up periods or restrictions.
For convenience, we’ve added special Pool Limit indicators which can help keep track of the current liquidity that is available for new stakes within the pool of participating DeFi/CeFi projects.
Hovering over a Pool Limit indicator will provide additional information regarding the approximate remaining pool limits:
It is important to keep in mind that, if the Pool Limit reaches 0%, or if pool liquidity is otherwise insufficient to accept new stakes - it will not be possible to stake that particular coin until the Pool Limit increases.
Last updated