Wallet Interface
The Wallet page reflects your account wallet stats and allows you to Deposit and Withdraw funds. Here you will find a detailed Transaction History log which reflects all of your wallet transfers.
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The Wallet page reflects your account wallet stats and allows you to Deposit and Withdraw funds. Here you will find a detailed Transaction History log which reflects all of your wallet transfers.
Last updated
The Wallet page reflects current account wallet stats and allows you to Deposit and Withdraw funds to and from your account.
Located at the top of the page are your Wallet details, including total balance statistics
Total Balance (BTC/ETH/USDT) - total combined balance of all currencies in your Wallet (can be reflected in BTC/ETH or USDT equivalent)
Available Balance - total combined balance of all currencies in your Wallet, except funds that are currently reserved in active orders, open positions, or pending withdrawals (in USD)
In Orders - funds (margin) currently reserved in active orders and open positions (in USD)
The 'Assets' tab reflects a detailed breakdown of each separate Wallet for every available collateral currency, including its current Balance, available balance, bonus balance as well as quick access to Deposits/Withdrawals for that coin/token:
On 'Transaction History' tab is located a log which reflects details about transfers made to/from your Wallets, particularly - deposits, withdrawals, and bonus rebates:
For a detailed guides on how to deposit and withdraw, make sure to check out our short tutorials:
The 'Staking' tab reflects information about staked currencies including - currently staked currencies, APY% calculator, reward creditation history
More information on Staking you can find in this article: