Staking Stats. Staking Yield Calculator
Keep track of your staking activity in the Staling tab on the Wallet page - here you can manage active stakes and utilize a staking income calculator.
Details of active stakes, reward history and a staking income calculator can be seen in the Staking tab on the Wallet page:
Here you can find a break down of your staking stats.
The Staking tab reflects Daily Interest, Total Interest as well as the current APY% (annual percentage yield) and Pool Limits:
Reward History reflects the history of staking payouts (yield). Payouts, if any, are credited to the wallet balance once a day taking into account the lowest balance value of the corresponding wallet since the last payout, as well as the APY%:
The Earnings calculator is a great tool to gauge potential income that can be earned through staking, taking into account the size of your wallet balance, over the period of one day, week, month, quarter, half year or a year:
The earnings calculator provides estimated returns based on current average APY% values. As APY% is a dynamic value the actual yield amount may differ based on various market factors.
Last updated